Friday, January 14, 2011

By and By


Anonymous said...

merci ! : ))))

fishfish said...

I told a lie and I'm telling lies all of the time
I told the truth and I'm telling you I feel just fine

I made you cry and I'll make you cry with the things I do
I made you laugh and I'll make you laugh without trying to

And now it's time for me to go before I let you down
By and by you'll realize how I've done you wrong

I talked a lot and I talk too much; I'll talk for you
I've been a fool and I'll make a fool out of you

So now it's time for me to go before I let you down
By and by you'll realize how I've done you wrong

Now it's time for me to go before I let you down
By and by you'll realize how I've done you wrong
By and by you'll realize how I've done you wrong

Anonymous said...

... décidément.... c'était du "ressenti"... je confirme : MERCIiiiiiiiiiii : )

fishfish said...

Je suis ce que je suis!